To navigate from one record to another, just remember these commands, all located in the Find Menu:
• First (Cmd-1, Option+Up arrow): Goes to the first record
• Previous (Cmd-2, Option+Left arrow): Goes to the record previous to the current one.
•Next (Cmd-3, Option+Right arrow): goes to the record next to the current one.
• Last (Cmd-4, Option+dDown arrow): Goes to the last record in the file.
NOTE: These commands display the first, previous, next, or last record based on the current sort order. If a selection is invoked, these commands move in and display only the selected records.
Finding a specific record:
• Press Cmd-Shift + the first few letters of the business or last name you are seeking. This works only for Cmd-Shift-letter combinations, where letter is from A to Z. (For example, to find "Portfolio Systems" quickly, press Cmd-Shift + "por". If there is another record that begins with "Por", Dynodex will find the first record with the characters you typed.)
• Click on the record you want in the "Just Names" or "All Fields" list.
• Choose "Find", Cmd-F.
To flip quickly through your file:
Hold the mouse down on the "Previous" or "Next" icon, or press Cmd-2 or Cmd-3 and hold down. If the Entry window is active, you can also hold down Option-Right Arrow or Option-Left arrow continuously.